Strade di Vini

from 14th to 21st of February, 2015
Castelvenere, Sannio region, Southern Italy
contemporary art residency and exhibition

February 2015

The transformation that the concept of territory is undergoing in the contemporary era, strictly connected with the rise of new technologies of communication, has given an unexpected centrality to territories that have always been considered as marginal.

This is also the case of rural areas which, through tools and languages provided by new technologies, gain a new position in the post-global contemporary scenarios.

In this perspective, it is fundamental to rethink modernity in light of rurality, looking at it not in a nostalgic way, as something lost forever or that we should preserve, but empowering it through a dynamic point of view, repositioning itself as an active component within the planetary processes in which we are immersed.

The languages of art represent powerful devices to re-read the rural territory in a critical sense, providing tools and methods “capable of recording and accommodating the ambiguous complexity with which to redesign and inhabit the territory […] in a different way” (I. Chambers).

This is the conceptual and practical context of the “Strade di Vini” project, in which the communities, the landscapes, the stories of the village of Castelvenere, strongly anchored by a centuries-old experience of economy and wine culture, become a territory of an open dialogue between the artists and the voices of the place.

The aim is to open a relational space in which, on the one hand, to experiment with cultural and aesthetic models that reinterpret local rural resources by looking at these complex processes; on the other hand, rto re-read critical concepts such as “community”, “identity”, “tradition”, reconfiguring the physical and cultural landscapes of rurality in an active way, through the possibility of rethinking the historical-cultural vision of the rural world.

artists in residency: Bianco-Valente, Kultivator
curator: Leandro Pisano