Alteridades de lo invisible

from 5th to 12th of December, Festival Tsonami/CasaPlan, Valparaíso
sound art exhibition

December 2018

Alteridades de lo invisible is a proposal of artistic investigation that deals with the otherness of voices in sound art by focusing on Southern American and Austral hemisphere. The idea is to develop localized and situated artistic practices, involving landscapes, places, and urban geographies of the city of Valparaíso.

The concept of “alterity” is considered in this context in a double sense: on the one hand, the difference between sound art practices that are not “mapped” in the Western-Anglosphere and the possibility of questioning the political, cultural and aesthetic paradigms that have produced the peripheralization of voices in the global South, in a specific sense in the South American context; on the other hand, the distinction of sound as a critical device capable of letting emerge what is normally “invisible” to our eyes, with a specific reference to the material processes generated by capitalism in contemporary urban environments, including also differences and subaltern processes in terms of race, gender, difference.

This project is developed through a 10-day microresidency for three artists from different Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, invited to develop a series of listening practices in relation to the “invisible” spaces of the city, understood as performative environments of people, objects, codes and practices. Invited artists are Alma Laprida, Giuliano Obici and David Velez.

All works produced and developed during the project – installations and performances – have been publicly presented during an exhibition as a part of the 2018 Tsonami festival programme, located in the CasaPlan Subterraneo, a space for dissemination and production of visual arts.

artists: Alma Laprida, Giuliano Obici, David Vélez
curators: Leandro Pisano, Fernando Godoy